My first Christmas without you

As the streets sparkle with festive lights, our hearts are shrouded in deep sadness in the absence of someone so dear.
The holiday season, usually associated with joy and celebration, can sometimes accentuate our pain when faced with loss. However, it is also a time when light shines with a particular intensity, symbolizing hope even in the darkness. The loss of a family member can make festivities complex, and you may no longer find meaning in these moments of joy and sharing.
Know that it is entirely normal to feel sadness, nostalgia, or a desire to be alone during the holidays. Your pain may be difficult for others to grasp, and it is entirely understandable if you do not wish to surround yourself with a multitude of people celebrating.
Grant yourself the right to express your emotions, whether by talking to a loved one, finding a space for reflection, or engaging in a hobby like journaling, which can become a daily writing moment without judgment, freeing our thoughts on paper.
Transform sadness into a celebration of the life of your loved one. Create new traditions that honor their memory, whether by lighting a candle, sharing joyful anecdotes, or cooking their famous winning express potato salad recipe.
Do not hesitate to surround yourself with empathetic loved ones. Share memories, cry together, if necessary, visit the resting place of your departed loved one, and find comfort in the loving presence of those around you.
Be kind to yourself. Listen to your needs, allow yourself rest, and do not feel obligated to participate in celebrations that may be difficult for you. These dates are just days among many others. The snow will melt, shy buds will open with hope, and you will rediscover that joy of living. Together, we can navigate this difficult time and find the strength to honor the memory of those we miss.
With all our support,
The Magnus Poirier Team
If you wish to talk to someone or seek support in your grieving process, here are some resources:
Listening Helpline
514 278-2130
Centre d’écoute de Laval
450 664-2787
Toll-free line for all of Quebec :
1 888 664-1558
Tel-Aide Québec
418 686-2433
1 877 700-2433
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