La famille de Hoan Tien Bui a le regret d’annoncer son décès survenu le vendredi 30 août 2024 à Montréal, à l’âge de 86 ans, époux en secondes noces de Nga Vu.

Outre son épouse, il laisse dans le deuil ses enfants de son premier mariage Van Anh (Pierre Pizem), Tuong Van (Philippe Lalonde), Huan, Van Khanh (Stéphan Dumais), Jacqueline (François Bourbonnais), ses petits-enfants Arianne (Alexandre), Emma, Alexandre, Han Son, Van Liem, Noémie, Audrey, Zora ainsi que ses sœurs, frères, beaux-frères, belles-sœurs, neveux, nièces, parents et amis.

Une messe bouddhiste sera célébrée au Complexe funéraire Magnus Poirier situé au 6825, rue Sherbrooke Est à Montréal, H1N 1C7, le samedi 7 septembre 2024 de 10 h à 12 h.

Par la suite, la famille vous accueillera de 13 h à 17 h au même endroit.

Au lieu de fleurs, des dons en sa mémoire à La Société Alzheimer du Québec seraient appréciés par la famille. 
❤ Don in mémoriam

La famille tient à remercier tout le personnel exceptionnel du CHSLD Riviera pour leur soutien et les bons soins prodigués, votre accompagnement a été grandement apprécié.

Messages de sympathie

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Chris and P. K.

Le 10 septembre 2024

We were so sorry to hear of your loss. It is so sad and difficult to lose a parent, we wish you lots of strength and courage during this tough time. Sending you, Philippe and your family lots of love ❤️

Rung Tien Bui

Le 09 septembre 2024

Though different in age, we were like twins, standing side by side throughout our school days, then together contributing to the nation in the ranks of the Navy, and later determined to seek freedom when we lost our country. Once waving our hands, commanding ships across rivers and seas, facing friends and foes, then bending knees to carry old father aboard planes for evacuation. Hoan never hesitated when it came to time, effort, or technical difficulties to help family and friends in need, or to assist fellow citizens in times of hardship. Such situations occurred frequently in the early years of rebuilding our lives in the land of snow. On this new soil, we once again stood side by side in the academic field. Hoan was passionate about his research on the destructive effects of snow on major power distribution networks in remote areas, which caused harm to people's livelihoods and the economy. Hoan's research left many concrete marks. Hoan has gone far away, yet remains here, right in my heart.

Rung Tien Bui

Le 09 septembre 2024

Though different in age, we were like twins, standing side by side throughout our school days, then together contributing to the nation in the ranks of the Navy, and later determined to seek freedom when we lost our country. Once waving our hands, commanding ships across rivers and seas, facing friends and foes, then bending knees to carry old father aboard planes for evacuation. Hoan never hesitated when it came to time, effort, or technical difficulties to help family and friends in need, or to assist fellow citizens in times of hardship. Such situations occurred frequently in the early years of rebuilding our lives in the land of snow. On this new soil, we once again stood side by side in the academic field. Hoan was passionate about his research on the destructive effects of snow on major power distribution networks in remote areas, which caused harm to people's livelihoods and the economy. Hoan's research left many concrete marks. Hoan has gone far away, yet remains here, right in my heart.

Rung Tien Bui

Le 08 septembre 2024

Tuy khác tuôi mà như sinh đôi, chúng ta sát cánh trong đời học trò, rôi cùng đóng góp vào việc nước trong hàng ngũ Hải Quân, rồi cùng quyết tâm đi tìm tự do khi mất nước. Từng vung tay đưa chiến hạm dọc ngang sông biển, bắc, nam, nay còng gối cõng cha già di tản máy bay lên, xuống, Hoàn không bao giờ ngại thì giờ, công sức hay khó khăn kỹ thuật để giúp thân nhân, bằng hữu khi cần thiết, hay giúp đồng bào khi gặp cảnh gian nan. Những trường hợp đó xảy ra rất nhiều trong những năm tháng đầu tái tạo cuộc đời nơi xứ tuyết. Trên đất mới chúng ta lại cùng sát cánh trong lãnh vực đại học. Hoàn say mê với đê tài kháo cứu về sự tàn phá của tuyết trên các đại hệ thống phân phối điện năng đi vùng xa, gây tác hại cho dân sinh và cho kinh tế. Việc khảo cứu của Hoàn để lại nhiều dấu ấn cụ thể. Hoàn đã đi xa rồi mà vẫn còn đây, ngay nơi trái tim tôi.