À Montréal, le mardi 4 février 2025 est décédée, à l'âge de 93 ans, CALOGERA SORCE, épouse de feu Antonino Carruba.

Elle laisse dans le deuil ses enfants Santino (Anne), Mary (Réal) et Rosario (Marina), ses petits-enfants Riccardo, Sergio, Stefanie et Madeline, ses arrière-petits-enfants, ses neveux et nièces ainsi que plusieurs autres parents et amis.

La famille vous accueillera au Complexe funéraire Magnus Poirier situé au 6825 Rue Sherbrooke Est à Montréal, H1N 1C7, le mardi 11 février 2025 de 14h à 17h et de 19h à 21h. Les visites reprendront le mercedi 12 février à partir de 10h.

Les funérailles seront célébrées ce même jour à 11h30 en la chapelle du complexe.

Des dons en sa mémoire à la Fondation de l’Hôpital Marie-Clarac seraient appréciés.

La famille aimerait remercier tout le personnel soignant de l'Hôpital St-Mary's pour leur soutien et leur professionnalisme.

It is with deep sadness that the family announces the passing of CALOGERA SORCE at the age of 93 years, beloved wife of the late Antonino Carruba.

She will be sadly missed by her children Santino (Anne), Mary (Réal) and Rosario (Marina), her cherished grandchildren Riccardo, Sergio, Stefanie and Madeline, her great-grandchildren, her nephews and nieces, and many other relatives and friends.

Visitation will be held at the Magnus Poirier Funeral Complex, located at 6825 Sherbrooke East, Montreal, H1N 1C7, on Tuesday, February 11th, 2025 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. and from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. and as of 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, February 12th.

A funeral service will be held on Wednesday, February 12th, 2025 at 11h30 a.m. in the chapel of the complex.

As an expression of sympathy, donations may be made to the foundation of Marie-Clarac Hospital, it would be sincerely appreciated by the family.

The family wishes to thank the nursing staff of St-Mary's Hospital for their care and compassion.

Martedì, 04 febbraio, 2025 è venuto a mancare all'affetto dei suoi cari, la signora CALOGERA SORCE all'età di 93 anni. Moglie di fu Antonino Carruba.

La signora Sorce lascia nel dolore i figli Santino (Anne), Mary (Réal) e Rosario (Marina), i nipoti Riccardo, Sergio, Stefanie e Madeline, i pronipoti ed altri nipoti parenti e amici.

La salma sarà esposta presso il complesso funebre Magnus Poirier 6825 Sherbrooke Est., Montréal, QC., H1N-1C7 martedì, 11 febbraio, 2025 dalle ore 14:00 alle 17:00 e dalle ore 19:00 alle 21:00 e mercoledì mattina a partire dalle ore 10:00.

La messa sarà celebrata mercoledì 12 febbraio, 2025 alle ore 11:30 presso la Cappella del complesso.

Come espressione di cordoglio, le donazioni possono essere fatte a la foundazione del ospedale Marie-Clarac, la famiglia ne sarà sinceramente apprezzate.

La famiglia desidera ringraziare il personale infermieristico dell'ospedale St-Mary's per le cure e la compassione.

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