Funeral services maintained by Magnus Poirier during the health crisis

Are funeral services maintained during the health crisis?
Most of our services are maintained, as the Quebec government has classified funeral homes as essential. Thus, the following activities are maintained, some of which are governed by safety guidelines:
To limit the risk of contagion, the following services will be interrupted during the pandemic:
- Funeral arrangements or pre-arrangements, international repatriation et Estate assistance.
- Inhumation and cremation, including for the bodies of people who died from COVID-19.
- Visits to bereaved families at our funeral homes, with a limit of 25 people who can gather with the family at a time.
- Funeral ceremonies, with a limit of 25 guests. We offer a funeral audiovisual re-cording service to allow family members or friends who could not be invited to at-tend live or watch in record-ed form. To find out more about this service, call 514 727‑2847 or 1 888 727‑2847, or write to us.
To limit the risk of contagion, the following services will be interrupted during the pandemic:
- Catering
- The Laval Cemetery’s shuttle
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